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September Newsrail, another big 40-page edition, has a major feature article from the renowned author Nick Anchen, and news about the laying of new track through Tarrawarra Tunnel on the Yarra Valley Railway (YVR), part of a wider project to reconstruct the line through to Yarra Glen.
Our main feature, by Nick Anchen, is a must-read for anyone interested in the final days of steam of the Victorian mainline. Nick presents the stories of the late Brian Brooke, a well-known steam locomotive driver who later went on to become the Mayor of the City of Horsham. Brian’s stories from his time at the Horsham locomotive depot from 1958 to 1970 trace both his promotion from locomotive cleaner to locomotive driver, but also follow the gradual decline of steam during this period. That much said, the western district of Victoria was the last stronghold of steam in the late 1960s, and the superb photographs that accompany this article capture R, J, K and N Class steam locomotives in regular freight and passenger service.
Our news report from the YVR traces the history of the tunnel and some of its notable construction features, as well as details of the current reconstruction project. The photographs provide some fascinating illustrations of how the tunnel was originally constructed. Victoria has relatively few railway tunnels, so this story is a rare opportunity to get to see how they were built and how they’re maintained.
Our other regular sections are there:
- News and announcements
- General works
- Operations and sightings
- Tramways
- PTV service quality
- Where is it?
- Taildisc
As relayed by others before me, I also have to tell you that each month when I receive your publication, I immediately remove the envelope and scan the contents to review which article requires attention first. Having already been primed by your email message a few days before I have to say helps but only adds to my anticipation of what is to come. I’m certain that I am not the only one that does this.
Please accept my apologies that I have not made contact recently to congratulate all of you for the work you must put into the task particularly as it is voluntarily done. Be assured it’s much appreciated by your readers.
What really prompted to send you this message is an article by David Watson last month, and one other recently, of his working experiences with VR. He is able to present his memories of these times in a very readable way. Needless to say, David’s contributions as mentioned above were the first read each time.
Kindest regards
Ken K
Thank you for another wonderful edition of Newsrail
I have lived and worked in Horsham for the past 37 years and have known many past and present railway employees many of whom have shared stories with me.
To train enthusiasts the”Peanut “was the steam hauled train from Ararat to Horsham and return.
To most Wimmera people the Peanut was the Walker railcar from Horsham to Serviceton and return.This was usually a 153 HP car with a speed limit of 50mph(80 km/hr) but I recall one doing 70mph near the present site of Pimpinio loop.
I thought the name related to the configuration of the Walker but this is just speculation.
As an aside the Goroke train was “The Tiger”.This came from the orange and black stripes on the Dodge motor used from the 1940’s and perhaps on AEC rail motors prior to that. The 102 Walker that replaced it was still the Tiger.I had a photo of it from Newsrail in my waiting room and many people recalled their first train trip on it.There were also stories of disconnecting the Speedo cable on the Walker and taking a train load from Goroke to Gymbowen for a Saturday night dance (probably driven by a non rail motor driver).There was also a story about taking the Dodge car for a drive down a country road just for something to do using it’s built in turntable. Keep up the great work
Cheers Ian Campbell