Title: Picnics at the Falls : a history of the Lal Lal Racecourse and its railway / Mark Cauchi, Michael Guiney.
Author: Cauchi, Mark, (author.)
Other Authors: Guiney, Michael, (author.)
Edition: First Edition.
Published: [Victoria] : [Mark Cauchi and Michael Guiney], 2017.
Copyright: ©2017.
Content Types: still image; text
Carrier Types: volume
Physical Description: 87 pages : illustrations, maps, portraits, facsimiles, plans ; 30 cm.
Notes: Maps on endpapers. Includes bibliographical references and index. © 2017 Mark Cauchi and Michael Guiney
Language: English
Picnics at the Falls : a history of the Lal Lal Racecourse and its railway / Mark Cauchi, Michael Guiney.
Contents: Early history of the Falls Reserve, Racecourse and the railway campaign, Railway construction, Opening day, Railway infrastructure and safeworking, Race meeting and railway services, Picnic excursions and special trains, The Elaine, Meredith and Lal Lal Benefit races, A snapshot of special train working, Demise of services, closure and the dismantling of the railway, Exploring the railway alignment, falls and racecourse site.
Out of stock
Weight | 0.456 kg |
Dimensions | 21 × 1 × 30 cm |
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