In our August 2024 edition

August Newsrail is high on nostalgia, with an extended feature on rail operations at Hamilton in the 1960s, suburban goods trains on Royal Park Bank in the 1970s, and accounts of driving and firing X and S Class steam locomotives.

Our cover features a striking photo, by Braiden Beer, of N451 hauling the first passenger train to visit Mildura in several years.
David Watson has already entertained Newsrail readers with his wonderfully dry sense of humour as he remembers various moments from his long career on Victoria’s railways. This time he revisits Hamilton and remembers many events, ranging from an elephant attempting to escape Wirth’s circus train, R719 quietly driving itself into the turntable pit, and sheep being unloaded on the passenger platform. David was a keen photographer during this time, and shares some superb images in the article.

We have a second short feature by driver Chris Wurr, who shares some great photographs and memories from his time as fireman on the Fitzroy Goods and Coburg Goods during the 1970s.

Nick Anchen presents two further stories from railwaymen of old: Ron Snell recounts the day when, as a fireman he found himself driving AND firing an X Class on a goods train from North Melbourne to Spotswood, and Eric Holmes recounts a literal baptism of fire when he was suddenly called on to fire an S Class Pacific on the Spirit of Progress, having only ever fired on one around the the reversing loop and coal sidings at North Melbourne.

Our other regular sections are there:

  • News and announcements
  • General works
  • Operations and sightings
  • Tramways
  • PTV service quality
  • Where is it?
  • Taildisc

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